Wolverine and the X-Men was a great Marvel animated show. Here's why it got canceled after a single season (and what would've ...
Illyana Rasputina aka Magik, the younger sister of Colossus, would join the group ... The best story from Roger Stern and John Byrne’s brief run on the title, this one involves Cap confronting ...
Paintings by the late John Byrne including a rare picture of The Beatles bought by the artist’s local priest are to go under ...
This is the time of Frank Miller’s Daredevil, John Byrne’s Fantastic Four, David Michelinie’s Iron Man and the height of Chris Claremont’s X-Men, with Roger Stern’s Amazing Spider-Man ...
Honor Swinton Byrne (“The Souvenir,” “A Very Royal Scandal”) and Rory Fleck-Byrne (“In Camera,” “This is Going to Hurt”) have been tapped to lead the cast of “Do Mosquitos Bite ...
Manhattan is back. … Sweaty, wild, talking, real people shouting out our band name in the street. We were all over the place.