‘Hello, my name is Noor Al-Saffar, and I am a [x] year medical student at the University of Manchester’ was the very first thing I was taught to say at medical school. It’s been delivered flawlessly ...
A well-crafted speech and powerful slogans can inspire young minds to take action. Below are some inspirational, engaging ideas and speech that students can deliver on this occasion, along with ...
Ambler, a Stanford University medical student, has pioneered an innovative approach to palliative care by transforming patients' life stories into spontaneous musical compositions. She has paused ...
The specimens - brains, lungs, eyeballs - are a precursor to what awaits the second year medical students in the next room. They're about to meet 35 cadavers, the donated human bodies that will play a ...
Vikram Madireddy is a medical student who studied in the UK, Japan, Germany, and Australia. He said patients treated him differently in each country. He now has an appreciation for all the ...
On this special occasion, here are ten thought-provoking quotes by CV Raman that highlight ... “The idealism of student life does not always find full expression in adulthood.” ...
To celebrate the importance of the innovation the day is marked as a celebration- to upkeep the feel and exuberance of the day we have listed some of the most riveting and innovative quotes that ...