Taith oddi cartref gyntaf tîm pêl-droed Cymru yn yr ymgyrch i gyrraedd Cwpan y Byd 2026 yw i Skopje i wynebu Gogledd Macedonia ar 25 Mawrth. Ond beth wyddoch chi am Ogledd Macedonia a'i thîm ...
Yn Ateb y Galw yr wythnos yma mae'r digrifwr Ignacio Lopez, sydd o dras Cymreig a Sbaenaidd. Wedi ei fagu ar ynys Mallorca, mae bellach yn byw yng Nghaerdydd. Mae wedi bod wrthi yn y sin gomedi ...
Eleni cafodd deg aelod o'r Urdd eu dewis i fynd ar daith ddyngarol i India gyda'r elusen Her Future Coalition. Roedd y daith yn gyfle i'r aelodau gefnogi plant a merched bregus, yn ogystal â ...
Bu farw mecanig o Ynys Môn ar ôl cael ei wasgu gan dractor yr oedd yn gweithio arno, clywodd cwest. Roedd Endaf Telford Jones, 49 o Engedi, ar fferm rhwng Y Fali a Cemaes yn gynharach yn y mis.
Two standout pieces of Scanlan’s work are Getting On and After Love. Along with co-creators Jo Brand and Vicki Pepperdine, she wrote and stars in this dark sitcom.
Sally Wainwright has assembled a band for her latest BBC series Riot Women but it turns out her cast could barely play a tune when they first came together. The Happy Valley creator revealed today ...
Known for their warmth and relatability Patricia Scanlan’s books are popular across the globe. None more so than the Dublin author’s debut, City Girl. Published in 1992, while she was working ...
“Happy Valley,” “Gentleman Jack” and “Last Tango in Halifax” creator Sally Wainwright has lifted the lid on her latest project, a new series about a group of 50-something women who ...
Five women in their 50s form a "menopausal punk band" in the new series from BBC One and BritBox. By Scott Roxborough Europe Bureau Chief “I got the idea about 10 years ago and started ...
Forthcoming BBC1 drama Riot Women would have struggled to sell in today’s drama landscape if it didn’t have Sally Wainwright on board, according to the show’s exec producer. Drama Republic ...