Savannah Energy PLC will increase production at Stubb Creek field in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria, after completing the acquisition of Sinopec International Petroleum Exploration and Production Co ...
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Abstract: Human point cloud registration is a critical problem in the fields of computer vision and computer graphics applications. Currently, due to the presence of joint hinges and limb occlusions ...
JERUSALEM, Feb 23 (Reuters) - Partners in the Israeli Leviathan offshore natural gas project have submitted a multi-billion dollar plan with the government to significantly expand the field and ...
We are currently building a 25MMscf/d City Gate Station within the zone and other ancillary gas distribution infrastructure including laying a 10” x 6.5km main gas pipeline from the NNPC Gas ...
China-UK Low Carbon College, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, No. 3 Yinlian Road, Lingang, Shanghai 201306, PR China Institute of Fuel Cells, MOE Key Laboratory of Power and Machinery, School of ...
Visual field maps in human early extrastriate areas (V2 and V3) are traditionally thought to form mirror-image representations which surround the primary visual cortex (V1). According to this scheme, ...