In the case described in the Equine Veterinary Education Journal, x-rays and hoof testers were not able to predict the location of a subsolar abscess in this horse's foot ...
Thrush in horses is characterised by a black, foul-smelling discharge from the hooves and urgent treatment is required. In my experience it is usually (but not always) the result of poor hoof care and ...
Question: What are some of the differences in treatment and prognosis for laminitis vs. navicular syndrome? Dr. Craig Lesser, ...
A centaur head and two more marble fragments taken from the Parthenon in the 17th century are among the most popular exhibits ...
His two friends, Boris and Kenney, were taken to Washington State Fair while Atlas went to a large-animal hospital for treatment ... The horse somehow got a hoof and leg stuck and fell, Captain ...
The owner of two donkeys who were left to suffer owing to “well intentioned but incompetent care” has been banned from ...
A 12-step support meeting will be held at the HOPI Substance Abuse Prevention Center every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and ...
An interesting case study appeared in the most recent edition of the Equine Veterinary Education Journal, detailing resolution of a difficult-to-find abscess in the right hind hoof of an 18-year ...
The flat foot walk has four beats, as each hoof touches the ... There is no treatment for CSNB, but the disease doesn’t progress. The Tennessee Walking Horse is an affectionate and smooth ...
Founded in 1996 by Susan Wagner, this nonprofit organization in Chatham, New York, is dedicated to rescuing equines from slaughter, abuse, and neglect while educating the public about the importance ...