In the case described in the Equine Veterinary Education Journal, x-rays and hoof testers were not able to predict the location of a subsolar abscess in this horse's foot ...
Question: What are some of the differences in treatment and prognosis for laminitis vs. navicular syndrome? Dr. Craig Lesser, ...
A hoof to the head ended Miggles Shanks’ horse-riding career but opened the door to a new passion, golf. When Margot “Miggles” Shanks" was injured on her family’s former farm at Waingake ...
Horse racing betting with all UK and Irish racing over the next 24 hours, plus latest news, market movers, stats and bookie offers. Ante-post odds in Cheltenham Festival Betting and Grand National ...
Betfair.Betfair horse racing results provide you with access to all the racing results from the UK, Ireland and some selected international race meetings. The results above provide you with ...
Radiography is the use of X-rays or gamma rays to examine non-uniformly composed material; images are recorded on a sensitized surface, such as photographic film or a digital detector. Medical ...
Bertone asked the student to lead the horse as he listened and he heard it as well. In addition to chest X-rays he requested radiographs of the abdomen. The images revealed two large stonelike mineral ...
The Road to the Kentucky Derby Series that determines preferences for horses getting into the Derby starting gate has been tweaked this year to award a lower total ...