Enter the beaver. North America’s largest rodent ... “‘The water is a cool-cold headwater. The proposed dam will not result in significant adverse effects on this resource upon compliance ...
The Dodge County Sheriff's Office issued a warning for an area with thin ice at Beaver Dam Lake after three snowmobiles went through the ice in 24 hours. The area is northeast of Evergreen Island ...
BEAVER DAM (WLUK) -- New photos and surveillance video have been released by authorities as the search continues for a missing, pregnant teenager from southern Wisconsin. Sophia Franklin ...
A data center developer proposes a mega campus in Beaver Dam that would add $567 million to the city’s property tax rolls. A major data center is proposed in Beaver Dam that would add an ...
Three snowmobiles broke through the ice within a 24-hour period at Beaver Dam Lake. The Dodge County Sheriff's Office is urging caution. Officials have identified an area north-northeast of ...
The Beaver Dam Fire Department and Dodge County Sheriff’s Office have issued safety warnings after four people on recreational vehicles went through the ice on Beaver Dam Lake in a 24-hour ...
DODGE COUNTY, Wis. (WKOW) — The Dodge County Sheriff's Office is urging people to use caution on a particular area of Beaver Dam Lake after three snowmobiles fell through the ice in a 24-hour period.
Even in urban areas, beavers are considered a nuisance because their never-ending dam ... beaver scientists are recommending. “The devil is always in the details,” he said. “But in ...