In 2018, the BBC shook the dust off The ABC Murders, Agatha Christie’s classic, with an adaptation that split fans and critics alike.
When a White House employee is found dead on the premises during a state dinner, Cordelia Cupp, a consulting detective for the police, is called in to find out who ...
Poirot finds himself plunged into a world of international intrigue, risking his life to uncover the truth about The Big Four.
Vertigo’s 49th season includes everything from a ghost story to a courtroom drama.
Agatha Christie's BLACK COFFEE will be presented on the Main Stage at the Pieter Toerien Theatre at Montecasino in May. Learn ...
Albert Finney’s Poirot is too sniffly and prone to explosive outbursts ... and the early broadening of the roles of Captain ...
Stating that he missed playing Poirot he added: "Of course I miss him. I mean I never knew I was going to play him for 25 years. "I mean I had a one year contract, I had a one summer contract.
Did her passion for surfing play out in her novels? Did Poirot sideline as a waverider? Or did Miss Marple ‘hang ten’ in her free time? Well, no. But in Christie’s novel, The Man in the ...
A STAR who featured in Inspector Morse, The Bill, and Poirot has died unexpectedly just hours after a routine surgery. Tony Mathews, 81, has been remembered by his family for how "he lit up the ...
Over the last quarter century, David Suchet became the definitive Hercule Poirot, starring as the fussy but perceptive private detective in 70 screen adaptations of Agatha Christie’s murder ...