I’m a fully paid-up member of the kettlebell fan club. I think kettlebells are the most versatile piece of kit available for ...
Camila Mendes has hinted that there could be some laughs to come with the new 'Masters of the Universe' movie while ...
Camila Mendes discusses Nicholas Galitzine's He-Man from her upcoming Masters of the Universe movie. Read on for more.
Íslenski aflraunamaðurinn Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson verður meðal keppenda í aflraunakeppni í Síberíu í Rússlandi.
Nokkuð fast er nú sótt að Ásthildi Lóu Þórsdóttur, mennta- og barnamálaráðherra, vegna umdeildra ummæla hennar um íslenska dómstóla. DV greindi frá málinu í gærmorgun og vísaði í færslu sem Ásthildur ...
Eddie Hall, winner of The World’s Strongest Man competition, was preparing to face fellow world’s strongest man, Hafþór Björnsson in a boxing ring, in what would be known as the heaviest boxing match ...
Í kvöld kemur í ljós hver verður fyrsti meistarinn í úrvalsdeildinni í keilu og það í beinni á Stöð 2 Sport. Hafþór Harðarson, Mikael Aron Vilhelmsson og Hinrik Óli Gunnarsson eru þegar komnir í ...
Eddie Hall is no stranger to combat sports. In 2022, he faced Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson, known as "The Mountain" from Game of Thrones, in a boxing match dubbed "The Heaviest Boxing Match in ...
After missing 13 games with a groin injury, Minnesota Timberwolves forward, Julius Randle returned to action on Sunday against the Phoenix Suns and turned in a strong performance. Randle finished ...
Það er því ljóst að þessi íþrótt er ekkert grín, og eins og sjá má á myndum sem Hafþór Hreiðarsson fréttaritari tók af mótinu, þá eru Arnheiður og hobbíhesturinn orðnir þaulreyndir stökkvarar. „Hún ...
EFF Zimbabwe has joined supporters and party members across the continent in celebrating Julius Malema’s 44th birthday on 3 March. The leader and founder of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF ...
However, this record was broken in the year 2020 by Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson, who later challenged for a boxing match. Tagged as the heaviest match in history, the match went in favour of ...