The grizzly didn’t know the script, however, and sat there like a giant anchor. Then it noticed that it was choking and traced the cause to the rope around its furry neck. The bear’s response was to ...
The sun is shining, and Bearspaw Barbershop got to celebrate with the McCafé Coffee Break! CochraneNow and Cochrane McDonald’s showed up with all the bells and whistles to surprise the team with ...
Oh hello there, I am a big lad who just loves to give bear hugs- are you looking for a big pup who loves to give a good hug? My name is Grizzly and like a Grizzly bear, I have a lot of love to ...
A grizzly bear rips meat from a part of an elk carcass in Yellowstone National Park. Arctic Media / Adobe Stock If you were to write a list of what grizzly bears eat, the result would look shockingly ...
Today, several conservation organizations and grizzly bear proponents released their vision that bolsters support for a unified grizzly bear population within the Northern Rockies—offering a ...
Packed with breathtaking wildlife cinematography, the film looks at the past and potential future of grizzly bear conservation and shines a light on the efforts made and being made to truly ...
Also known as the North American brown bear, the grizzly bear is a powerful predator that can weigh up to 800 pounds. (Photo: Paul Hamilton/Can Geo Photo Club) The ends of the hairs on grizzly bears’ ...