The Hailey Planning and Zoning Commission in back-to-back hearings on Feb. 18 approved design plans for new car wash and storage unit buildings located about a third of a mile apart in the city ...
Instead of the salmon carcass I expected, I saw a wolf pup, lying dead on its back. Though it’s not unusual to find dead things when you’re roaming Alaska’s coastlines, a fresh wolf carcass ...
The cow’s stomach contents were spread over 30 feet, with the animal’s blood splashed on nearby rocks and bloody wolf paw prints were left in the mud. “It was a horrible, awful death ...
"Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et ...
A Spring Valley, Minn., hunter shot a gray wolf, right, and coyote while hunting in early January in southeastern Minnesota. The hunter was convicted of a petty misdemeanor for shooting the protected ...
A wildlife crew captures a gray wolf last month in British Columbia that was later released in Colorado. Colorado Parks & Wildlife The first 10 wolves released were put on public lands in Summit ...
An uncollared gray wolf close to the Wyoming border in Jackson County has ... Wolves without collars make this challenging, and relying on signs (scat, prints, etc.) becomes more important." The kill ...
Wolves without collars make this challenging, and relying on signs (scat, prints, etc.) becomes more important. The public can visit CPW’s Confirmed Gray Wolf Depredation web page for further ...
The Central Asian wolves form a cohort within the wolf-dog clade known as the wooly wolf (Canis lupus chanco). These wolves are poorly studied and their current extent and distribution remain unknown.