You might think the title of this essay refers to, perhaps, Niagara Falls in New York or Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe, both majestic waterfalls. The former is sometimes frozen in ...
But while we eagerly await more schezwan sauced adventures, there's a theory that's been brewing in the background, one that hits on one of my other favorite cartoons of all time -- Gravity Falls. Is ...
They will undergo an extensive rehabilitation program to readapt to gravity, addressing physiological changes from their prolonged stay in space. Astronauts who spend extended periods in space ...
$500? How about $80,000? In the mood to take an underwater nap? This suite offers a surreal oceanic experience: The master bedroom, submerged 16 feet below sea level, offers a 180-degree views of ...
A Victorian house in Scotland, U.K., that had a hidden secret in the attic. A couple found two bedrooms up there after being told the space was empty. A Victorian house in Scotland, U.K., that had ...
She is also a certified yoga instructor and rookie surfer. The waters at Haw Creek Falls pour down from a rocky shelf that rises no more than 8 feet from the base of the falls, making them an ideal ...
Mabel presents her latest art idea of the "cat-icature" (a drawing of someone as a cat), and starts making ones for the citizens of Gravity Falls.