A flower-shaped structure only a few micrometers in size made of a nickel-iron alloy can concentrate and locally enhance ...
Nearly two centuries after Faraday's failed attempts, scientists have demonstrated that Earth's continuous spin can directly ...
A group of U.S.-based physicists has presented experimental evidence suggesting that electricity can be generated from the ...
In an ultra-cold, high-magnetic-field setting, ZrTe5 defies expectations by showing quantum heat oscillations. Researchers ...
Quantum-based gravity sensors have probed fundamental physics, and they could transform our understanding of what’s just ...
Multi-spacecraft scientific missions for space physics have been flown since the 1960s with early missions such as IMP, VELA, ...
Scientists know well how conventional materials conduct heat. However, things are not as straightforward under extreme ...
The ability to conduct heat is one of the most fundamental properties of matter, crucial for engineering applications.
Magnetoelectric materials allow electric field control over magnetization ... Here the authors demonstrate magnetic gradients which enable nanoscale imaging by developing a nanowire on a tip ...
Create a Physics World account to get access to all available digital issues of the monthly magazine. Your Physics World ...
Merging some esoteric physics principles with an advanced instrument creates a magnetic microscope with resolution better ...
Since its launch on March 12, 2015, NASA’s MMS, or Magnetospheric Multiscale, mission has been rewriting our understanding of magnetic reconnection, a key physical process that is important across the ...