We need a 21st-century crisis management system built not on slogans or hope, but on readiness, coordination and command.
George Clooney would probably have a more awkward exchange with Biden if the former president came to the opening of his ...
Donald Trump and George Clooney are in a public feud over media and politics. Clooney criticized government pressure on the ...
You can wear green, sure, but can you order beer in Irish Gaelic? Here are words, phrases and other slang terms to help you sound authentically Irish.
I believe, and tell my children and talmidim so, that we have the opportunity to be matzliach in ways the defy luck of the draw, nature and happenstance.
In my opinion, the easiest and most comfortable news to report is good news. And I’ve just come across some very good news that was in the news last week. You may have heard it. But even if ...
St. Patrick's Day is the luckiest day of the year and to celebrate we've rounded up 13 country songs with lyrics about luck ...
If so, fair play to you. If not, don't get banjaxed. Here's what to know about Saint Patrick's Day as well as some common Gaelic words, phrases and other slang terms to help you sound ...
LIfe is unfair. But every single person that I know who made it made it because they took a chance on themselves. They took ...