One of Game of Thrones’ biggest controversies was removed from digital platforms by HBO due to a mistake by producers.
One of Game of Thrones’ biggest scandals ever was revealed by showrunners themselves in DVD commentary. David Benioff and D.B ...
George W. Bush’s severed head appeared on Game of Thrones [Updated] Ultimately, the study indicates “that the practice of [displaying] severed heads was applied in a different way at each site ...
George R.R. Martin fears cut character from House of the Dragon could lead to season 3 'butterfly effect' Kit Harington agrees Game of Thrones ending was 'rushed' but says he 'didn't have another ...
George H.W. Bush is sporting a new look. The 89-year-old former president shaved his head this week. No, he wasn't trying to project a hip, young image. Bush decided to go bald to show solidarity ...