This is Dolly, the first mammal cloned successfully from ... Jose Cibelli: Technically, it's not difficult to produce a clone embryo, but human cloning has other hurdles that need to be considered.
LONDON, England (CNN)-- Ever wanted to be a new you? Recent developments in cloning mean that day might be possible without therapy, a new diet or fitness regime. Earlier this week a team in the U ...
Scientists at a technology company said Sunday they have created human embryos through cloning, drawing criticism from President Bush and lawmakers and raising new ethical questions. Advanced Cell ...
An Italian doctor announced today that he plans to become the first person to clone a human being later this year. Dr Severino Antinori, of Rome, is one of a team of three researchers who want to ...
The birth of Dolly, the first mammal cloned from the cell of ... a rogue government so chose? The cloning of human beings, many concluded, would be biologically wrong, socially misguided, and ...
A controversial fertility doctor who claimed to be the first in the world to implant a cloned human embryo in a woman's womb today revealed that the attempt had been unsuccessful. American Dr ...
Last year, Professor Woo-Suk Hwang in Korea made a significant step forward when he derived stem cells from a cloned human embryo, 1 demonstrating for the first time both that it was possible to clone ...