Castro Centre also has lots of clips of Fidel’s visits to many countries. The ones I found most interesting were those to ...
Francisco Diaz, my father, was not one of them. He worked as a police captain at the University of Havana and had several ...
I never personally met Fidel Castro Ruz, one of the iconic figures ... He never attended any military school. He had gotten the inspiration to fight from the examples of Jose Marti, Antonio ...
Some experts who have followed Rubio’s career see a dissonance between his actions as secretary of state and his advocacy for ...
A hearing on the bill included heated testimony from ultra-conservative evangelical pastor Rafael Cruz, the father of Texas U ...
The prominent right-wing pastor told state lawmakers that an anti-communist curriculum is crucial to reaffirming that America ...
Some readers of the previously redacted material in the memo saw it Thursday as evidence of mistrust between Kennedy and the ...
His father served in the Cuban congress, as did a grandfather and an uncle, and held an appointment under President Fulgencio Batista before Fidel ... of Castro, they were escorted to school ...
if it was not for Fidel Castro and the Cuban revolution.” In pre-revolution Cuba, 42 per cent of the population was illiterate, education was the privilege of the wealthy and there were few schools in ...