I never personally met Fidel Castro Ruz, one of the iconic figures of the 20th Century. I only saw him once in the streets of Havana while he drove and the crowds cheered. On November 25 ...
Francisco Diaz, my father, was not one of them. He worked as a police captain at the University of Havana and had several ...
Advertisement Bernie Sanders denounces conservative politicians as “authoritarian,” yet he has repeatedly praised Communist leaders like Fidel Castro. Sanders even spent his honeymoon in the ...
And history came alive as we walked around Revolutionary Square — imagining the large crowds that once stood for hours to hear Fidel Castro. A walking tour of Old Havana, guided by a local ...
These agents were often regular people who had become disillusioned with the leadership of communist leader Fidel Castro. One described in the 1961 document, for instance, was an airline pilot.
Kennedy, wanted to oust Castro before JFK ran for reelection in 1964. "Let's remember that a good percentage of the covert operations were aimed at Fidel Castro in Cuba," Sabato said. Timothy ...
Department of Defense documents from 1963 covered the Cold War of the early 1960s and the US involvement in Latin America, trying to thwart Cuban leader Fidel Castro’s support of communist ...
Reaction in South Florida to President Donald Trump’s immigration crackdown has been far more muted than in his first term.