Chief Nicholas declared the German invention impracticable. "It is much too heavy to carry," he said, "it does not allow a fireman to bend over and in Winter the constant stream of water directly over ...
Dylan Browning’s Silver Valley roots go deep. After getting a job at Northern Lakes Fire Protection District last year, he ...
The Kirkwood Fire Department is being recognized as a Gold Helmet Department for its employees’ participation in a national project tracking incidences of cancer among emergency service workers.
Hundreds of friends, family members, and colleagues honored Cal Fire Captain Rebecca Marodi at her Celebration of Life on ...
Columbia Fire Chief Brian Schaeffer has focused on improving technology use to promote efficiency and increasing firefighters ...
From Rochester’s first fire chief W.S. Elkins to the recently retired Eric Kerska, we look back at the men who’ve held this critical position. And look forward with RFD’s new chief Mason Pooler.
March means it’s spring wildfire season, and local volunteer fire departments are hard at work. The volunteers at Hose Company #4 in Rockingham County gave WHSV a closer look at what a day looks like ...
Firefighters are among the first to put their lives on the line in an emergency, but with rising equipment costs, volunteer ...
Dozier added that Connelly’s uniform and helmet were often black from ... “I said he was a great firefighter. He said, ‘No, no, Chief, don’t ever say that.’ He said the best thing ...
Mansfield Firefighter Brady Hitchcock was sworn in as the city's newest firefighter Tuesday morning at Station No. 1, 140 E.