After reading the March 6 Press Herald article “Freeport partners with MaineDOT to rework Route 1,” I applaud Freeport’s priorities of housing and transportation while seeking creative resources to ...
Including New York City Council Members Althea Stevens and Lincoln Restler, who organized the letter, 47 of the current 49 ...
Re: “Sodo housing plan rebuked by Port of Seattle moves ... please email the reporter or submit a letter to be considered for publication in our Opinion section. You can read more about our ...
I wish there was a list of individuals and businesses who are against housing people in need for nothing but selfish reasons. I would like to ensure I’m in no way supporting them.
After more than a year of planning and consultation, the Government of Canada has released today the final details of its Housing Design Catalogue — dozens of standardized templates to help achieve ...
Westerly, South County, and Rhode Island in total, are badly in need of affordable housing! Westerly disbanded an Affordable Housing Committee last year. This new Town Council is trying to ...
It is frustrating that The Australian Financial Review reporters continue to describe rising house prices as a good thing, a “housing market recovery” (“Top suburbs lead Sydney and Melbourne ...
The letter, which was co-signed by 122 House Democrats, contends that the housing affordability and homelessness challenges currently faced by Americans will be exacerbated through actions taken ...
We’re in a housing crisis. We need fewer restrictions ... on Canada includes a threat to our sovereignty, a Feb. 27 letter asks for clarification on what is a Canadian and what are we protecting.
In its pinched view the primary demographic that Rochester’s neighbors should cater to is the group that wants “zero-maintenance, convenient housing near restaurants and shopping” and “the ...
Rep. Tokuda and the Hawai‘i congressional delegation’s letter calls for a blanket waiver to broadly cover Maui survivors who are already struggling with the high costs of living and the ...
Re: Jeffrey Herman’s Feb. 20 letter, “Airport noise comes with ... and is 3.1% smaller than in 2016 and blame this on a housing shortage. In Ventura/Oxnard we have seen considerable housing ...