The Analyzer for Cusp Electrons (ACE) is designed to measure electron activity in the region of the northern magnetospheric ...
Magnetic materials have become indispensable to various technologies that support our modern society, such as data storage ...
Iridium-doped iron-cobalt (Fe-Co-Ir) alloys, previously identified through machine learning, have been shown to have enhanced magnetic ... electron localization and stronger spin-orbit coupling ...
The iron-cobalt alloy is widely used due to its strong magnetic properties. However, there is a limit to how much their ...
New infrared observations of Sagittarius A* uncover flaring activity in its accretion disk, advancing knowledge of black ...
These additions made sense in Bohr’s picture of the atom: if the electron is moving along a circular orbit around the ... interact with an external magnetic field. This is the point at which ...
Electron bursts. While the last recent discovery ... the sun’s bubble of magnetic fields and particles that extends well beyond the orbit of Pluto.Instruments necessary for collecting data during the ...