Thursday marks the vernal equinox, or the first day of spring, in the northern hemisphere — even if the weather in Michigan ...
As the Northern Hemisphere welcomes spring today, the Southern Hemisphere is marked with the first day of autumn.
While Arctic sea ice extent hasn’t definitively reached its seasonal peak yet at the time of writing, the melting season is about to begin any day now, at which point it will be clear whether this was ...
This phenomenon occurs twice a year, with the vernal equinox marking the onset of spring. At 5:01 a.m. EST (0901 GMT) on March 20, the sun crosses the celestial equator, moving from the Southern ...
The vernal equinox heralds the arrival of spring in the Northern Hemisphere (finally). But have you heard the myth about ...
He had written a satirical letter to the editor of the Journal of Paris calculating the amount that Parisians could save on candles if they shifted ... to Earth’s 23.5-degree tilt on its axis.
The Earth spins on an axis (think of it like a line running from pole to pole ... Watch how night and daylight shift over time. Perhaps you've heard that the only day you can balance a raw ...
The Earth has seasons because its axis is tilted so different parts of Earth get the sun’s direct rays through the year. In December, the Earth’s South Pole is ... there is a shift in distance ...