Promega's DLRTM Assay System. As the sun goes down you see the recurring ... while nonflying females flash back with a latency of two seconds. Luciferase from the common firefly has been employed as a ...
4 hours later, firefly luciferase and nanoluciferase luminescence were measured. The dTAG protein degradation assay utilizes a dual luciferase reporter system to measure target protein degradation.
Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of mortality among women worldwide. Tumor necrosis factor α-induced protein 3-interacting protein 1 (TNIP1) is a ubiquitin-binding protein that is widely ...
The global luciferase assay market is set to experience robust growth, with its valuation projected to rise from USD 1,536.70 million in 2024 to USD 3,022.90 million by 2034, registering a CAGR of ...
He extracted two components from beetle abdomens, naming the substrate luciferine and the enzyme responsible for the reaction luciferase. 2 Not all bioluminescent marine organism systems can be used ...
CAR-T Target Luciferase Reporter Cells can be used as a target cancer cell for in vitro killing assay by CD19, CD20, or HER2 CAR-T cells. These luciferase expressing cell lines were derived from ...