Put your pup proficiency to the test. We've got the truth behind the most commonly perpetuated dog myths and misconceptions ...
Some souls, though small and overlooked, rise above all expectations. This is the story of a dog named Jim—the Wonder Dog. It all began in 1925, when a litter of seven black-and-white Llewellyn Setter ...
The so-called "Black Dog Syndrome" affects adoption rates. Next time you see a black pup waiting for a home, know this: their love is just as unconditional. The myth that Pit Bulls are naturally ...
Poppy the dog doesn't want to go to sleep until she gets ... bags for most travelers—here’s what it means for you 6 Myths About High Cholesterol Dietitians Want You to Stop Believing 10 ...
This article is brought to you by our exclusive subscriber partnership with our sister title USA Today, and has been written by our American colleagues. It does not necessarily reflect the view of ...
She was stunned by what crossbreeding occurred to create the "cute little body and big head dog" she saw. However, she also noted that she believes people should stop thinking they are all dog ...
Last year, an Australian Shepherd named Viking was crowned best in show with the three-year-old dog from Solihull, Birmingham beating 24,000 dogs from around the world over four days to claim the show ...