POLLEN: Pollen is what triggers Romeo’s allergies. An allergic reaction to pollen can cause swelling and itching. A dog’s ...
It seems difficult to believe that spring is almost here. Christmas doesn’t seem all that long ago, but the days are ...
DEAR ERIC: I am very allergic to dogs. I have been bitten numerous times throughout my life so I am quite wary of dogs.
Mackey described trying to care for a collapsed animal and doubling back to the Tanana checkpoint after requesting help, and ...
Chronic itching can signal serious health issues. Learn how to identify the cause and get the right treatment for your furry friend.
Even a minor scratch from a potentially rabid animal requires immediate medical attention. According to Dr. Neha Rastogi ...
“Persistent itching can lead to discomfort, skin damage and secondary infections. Identifying the cause and seeking appropriate treatment is essential for your pet’s well-being.” Dogs can suffer from ...