A Fort Campbell family is raising funds to provide their daughter, Paislee, with a specially trained service dog that will ...
Aside from obedience, training your dog is about bonding, having fun, and keeping them mentally sharp. It doesn’t matter if ...
Chicago’s leading animal rescue group is trying to keep up with increasing numbers at the city’s pound, saying current ...
WASHINGTON: A dog jumped on his American owner bed and set off a loaded gun, shooting his owner, the police said on Wednesday ...
Accrington Benjamin Hargreaves C.E. Primary School joined forces with five other primary schools to walk dog Lottie the Cavapoochon in the Top ...
A man in Memphis claims he was accidentally shot by his dog, Oreo, when its paw got lodged in a gun's trigger guard, causing the firearm to discharge ...
A retirement party was recently held for a much loved dog who has helped many sick kids and their families through the years.
A Tennessee man claims his dog accidentally shot him while in bed with a woman, leaving him with a graze wound.