Bringing a dog and a cat together under the same roof can feel like introducing two characters from completely different ...
"They’d gallop when we let them off-leash. He loved Halloween — it was ... We will see them again, look out for signs, and know they are up there picking out your next soul dog." Never miss a story — ...
Follow these tips for renting with pets. Avoid pitfalls like leaving your dog alone too long, neglecting training, and ...
Not all dogs are social, outgoing, and extroverted. In fact, some of them much prefer to stay home, close the blinds, run a ...
In the inner-western Sydney suburb of Birchgrove, a local council’s attempt to maintain peace has unleashed a cacophony of ridicule and disbelief. The Inner West Council, in a move that has left ...
On the campus of University College Dublin, a sign rippling with historical irony read ... American support of Israel, a dog whistle to the cliched, seemingly evergreen anti-Semitic tropes of dual ...
With the recent warmer weather, many of you may be taking your dogs out for walks once again, and animal agents are reminding you to keep your dog on a leash.
An Oregon man is suing the city of Portland, claiming an off-leash police dog bit him when he was delivering packages in January to a Clackamas County residence. Khalid Fasasi filed the negligence ...
The Division of Wildlife Resources is reminding dog owners to keep their pets leashed so they don’t chase or disturb wildlife ...
A celebrity wellness trainer was filmed cursing and screaming at a neighbor who asked him to leash his dog in the lobby of their luxury NYC apartment building. Matthew Sauerhoff, 38, aggressively ...