IN calculating the dipole moments of polyatomic molecules ... between the calculated and the observed values. There is no vector between the bonds connected by single links due to free rotation ...
QSA scientists also deployed the quantum simulator to investigate dipolar quantum solids, materials where particles interact through their dipole moments (a measure ... successfully introduced an ...
When the inter-vector sensor spacing exceeds a half-wavelength, the derived direction cosine estimates are ambiguous. Fortunately, the eigenvectors can also be straightforwardly used to yield ...
As part of the collaboration, we have provided a comprehensive vector solution to surface scattering ... fields as expansions of dipole sources positioned at the boundary surface. To calculate the ...
One reason was simply that it offered higher classification accuracies than conventional methods, such as support vector machines (SVMs). An SVM may give better results if an effective feature ...
Co-published with Oxford University Press. A handy reference for engineers and physicists, this IEEE reprinting of the classic text provides a deep, fundamental understanding of electromagnetics.
A query and indexing engine for Redis, providing secondary indexing, full-text search, vector similarity search and aggregations.
Public API cache proxy built on the Earth Science Online Video Database, an Airtable base, which also syncs to Zotero and broadcasts new submissions to Discord, Twitter, etc.