A paleontologist discovered dinosaur footprints in the roughly 200 million year old boulder, which was donated to an ...
"The art of tracking may well be the origin of science." This is the departure point for a 2013 book by Louis Liebenberg, ...
Tracking the footsteps provides modern scientists a view into ancient life.
Manufactured objects will form distinctive, if sometimes hard to interpret, clues to human existence, paleontologist authors ...
A new study has revealed the long-term impacts and the first signs of biological recovery four decades after a test mining experiment that removed polymetallic nodules in the Pacific Ocean. The ...
A recent study has shown Britain's wildlife knowledge is dwindling with robins, dragonflies, and badgers, some of the ...
A recent study has shown Britain's wildlife knowledge is dwindling with robins, dragonflies, and badgers, some of the ...
ProRail found signs of badgers living around the Dutch train tracks in around 500 locations. The rail manager has kept an extra close eye on the animal since badger setts - the tunnel systems badgers ...
The digital world has revolutionized how we learn practical skills, including hunting. Today’s free hunting games offer ...
The Nature Conservancy last week held a webinar to help people identify a variety of species common in our part of North ...
For birds, sound is survival. Their songs establish territories, attract mates, and warn of dangers. When traffic noise ...
By using advanced 3D imaging and light filters, Romilio was able to uncover hidden details in the stone slab, revealing the ...