In recording deeds, the state/ of North Carolina does not require that the amount paid for a parcel be stated on the deed. However, a tax stamp at the rate ...
How much are houses selling for in your area? Check this list of deed transfers, $80,000 and greater, recorded Jan. 20-26, 2025 in Marion County.
Some of the transactions do not include a transfer price because no money was exchanged for the property. All deeds are ...
Real estate transactions from March 3 to 7 have been provided by the Middle Berkshire, North Berkshire and South Berkshire ...
David E. Bonaventura and Teena M. Bonaventura to H&G Realty Development LLC, properyt in Point Township, $370,000.
A California Court of Appeal (Fifth District) (“Court”) addressed in a March 14th Opinion whether water in an aquifer could be personal property.
Here's a list of who bought and who sold property in Somerset County March 10-14, as listed with the Recorder of Deeds.
Your attorney can act as a mediator to resolve any disputes, including those about fireplace tools. While your attorney has a ...