Patrycja Humienik’s debut poetry collection, “We Contain Landscapes,” explores chronic illness, climate change, borders and ...
Floor Plan Level 2. Image Vía Museo de Arte Contemporánero de Niteroi The terrain was narrow, surrounded by the sea and the solution occurred naturally, having as a starting point the ...
167 paintings from the Bennett Collection of Women Realists have been donated to the Muskegon Museum of Art in Michigan.
The oil painting, known as Woman-Ochre by Willem de Kooning, had been cut out of its frame during a daring heist at the University of Arizona Museum of Art 32 years earlier – in 1985.
The Religious Landscape Study (RLS) – conducted in 2007, 2014 and 2023-24 – surveys more than 35,000 Americans in all 50 states about their religious affiliations, beliefs and practices, along with ...
Oefner says: For me, experiencing works like de Kooning’s “Door to the River” or Pollock’s “Lavender Mist” has always been as much a tactile experience as a visual one. These paintings are almost like ...
Curated by Robert Nava, the show celebrates “monstrous bodies and fabulations of monstrosity” in contemporary art, focusing on “fantasy monsters” rather than those rooted in everyday life. With over ...
The exhibition is comprised of 16 paintings — mostly Maine landscapes (1972–97 ... particularly Willem de Kooning, at a time when artists were touted as heroic, he showed a softer, more ...
In the dreamy installations of Lachlan Turczan, natural and perceptual phenomena combine in otherworldly installations merging technology with aquatic landscapes. Water is central to the Los ...
The arid Californian landscapes form a key part of the story behind High ... Notable artist’s studios, from Georgia O'Keeffe and Willem and Elaine de Kooning, to the home Luis Barragan designed for ...