Damian Lillard: “People can get to 10,000 and it ... It ain’t pounding. He’s like on skates. If you really just check his movements out, man, he take the long strides.
The Milwaukee Bucks are the No. 4 seed in the Eastern Conference with a record of 38-19. This is an identical record to the ...
Damian Lillard was ruled out of the Milwaukee Bucks’ game against the Lakers in Los Angeles on Thursday night due to a calf ...
It was reported about 90 minutes before tipoff that Lillard was trending in the wrong direction, and the team has officially downgraded him to out. This will be his first absence since Feb. 21, ...
Though Lillard was listed as probable heading into the day, he was downgraded to questionable before the Bucks ultimately opted to hold him out for the first time since Feb. 21. Ryan Rollins and Kevin ...
The Milwaukee Bucks made the big move before last season to trade for Damian Lillard. It was a massive move that they made to increase their offensive ceiling. Bringing Lillard in gives them a ...
Immediately following, Turner joined Andrew Nembhard to trap Bucks guard Damian Lillard beyond the half-court line. That decision sent a clear message. “From the beginning, from the first play ...
but couldn’t hold off strong efforts from the star duo of Giannis Antetokounmpo and Damian Lillard. The Bucks allowed Doncic to go off for 45 points, which was the most he scored in a Lakers ...