A few months ago, I was hospitalized for a couple of weeks. For most of that time, I shared the room with a very friendly, talkative woman who had been in the hospital for a long time. While still ...
State Representative John Voss says HB 1122 will be debated on the House floor. Voss’ bill would require all coroner ...
Bud Stanley, the first man to perform open-heart surgery on himself, died today in a hot air balloon accident,” he begins, ...
For United Methodist minister Hillary Taylor, there's a reward in introducing outsiders to someone who is kind and ...
Francis rejected all trappings of sovereignty and cult of personality. Instead, he has lived and preached what Jesus ...
The phrase “Give me liberty or give me death!” was reportedly first used 250 years ago. Patrick Henry said it in a crowded ...
Rotorua man Lance Hohaia Houpapa was discharged from hospital after a serious car crash and sent home to recover – but he was ...
The mum-of-four's mental health had been deteriorating in the week before her death, HM assistant coroner Paul Appleton heard ...