And in a recent vote, they came down firmly: time to rid the course of beasts with cloven hooves. “We are very much aware that there are people who see the sheep and cows as an integral part of ...
Walking through the boundless landscape of red rocks and limestone cliffs in Texas' Big Bend National Park last March, a volunteer and a park ranger came across a plant they didn't recognize.
Learn more Do you think your horse could benefit from one of the best hoof supplements to support healthy hoof growth? Horses hooves contend with many environmental challenges throughout the year ...
When it comes to traipsing through mud and muck, robots are no match for a moose. “Robots are just starting to be able to work on non-flat grounds, like construction sites or stairs, but if we ...
Photographer David Jara Boguñá made the historic discovery, spotting the elusive humpback anglerfish—also known as the black sea devil—floating near the ocean's surface. This species is ...
One winter hazard that riders in northern climes know well is ice balls. When snow and ice get packed under a horse’s hoof, it warms up slightly against the sole, then freezes readily against the cold ...
To help them stand on snow and squishy ground, their split-in-two cloven hooves provide traction. They’re also great swimmers, and their hollow fur helps keep them warm. Like Rudolph, Reindeer Have ...
In Christian mythology, the devil has a cloven hoof. Sometimes this hoof shows under his long robe, giving him away. Our devil’s hoof is the settlements. While scrutinizing any idea or plan, one ...