The decrease in lawsuits has private insurers willing to take on risk-prone areas in South Florida long left to the state's ...
A legislative bill that would have required state-owned Citizens Property Insurance Corp. to provide windstorm coverage for all who want it has been withdrawn by its sponsor. Rep. Hillary Cassel ...
It’s an age-old fight that never seems to end: insurers vs. attorneys. And homeowners’ money is the real prize. Here’s a ...
During a hearing before the House Insurance and Banking Subcommittee, Citizens CEO Tim Cerio pushed back on the proposal, saying it could cause Citizens’ reinsurance costs to increase by 645% to ...
Citizens Property Insurance Corp., the state-backed insurer ... spurred bills that would wind back some of those changes. The House version of one of those bills had its first hearing Thursday ...
Legislative leaders have argued that many condo buildings are in need of critical upgrades but that associations had ...
The total has dropped because of numerous depopulation rounds and improved conditions in the private market, according to insurance officials. Citizens President and CEO Tim Cerio told a House ...
This legislative session’s much-awaited House condo bill passed its first committee unanimously in 13 minutes on Tuesday, but one of the differences between the House and Senate proposals appears to ...
Part of the proposal approved Tuesday by the House Housing, Agriculture & Tourism Subcommittee would prohibit the state’s Citizens Property Insurance Corp. from issuing or renewing policies for ...