About 100 million metric tons of high-density polyethylene (HDPE), one of the world's most commonly used plastics, are ...
The Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) scandal involving the state's most prolific and revered DNA analyst, Yvonne Woods, ...
In a nutshell Scientists discovered that aloe vera’s inner tissue can support the growth of fat cells, offering a natural and ...
Pismo clams, once abundant along the California coast, are being grown and studied in a middle school classroom.
Scarlett Swain, a lecturer in law at Northeastern University, says the watchdog's move paves the way for the U.K. to become ...
Iridescent sweat bees, hairy-faced mining bees, tiny Perdita minima the size of a gnat. Thanks to swarms of apiary ...
A Boston drug discovery company that uses AI has hit unicorn valuation. It uses transformer diffusion models, which its CEO ...
Scientists involved in coastal research at a Charleston laboratory are in the government’s crosshairs as President Donald ...
BioAFM is seeing increasingly widespread use in biomedical and biological studies due to its extremely high resolution and ...
Nicole Albada delivered a lecture on “Personal Memories and Successful Aging” as part of the Aging and Longevity Lecture Series at the Direct Relief facility in Goleta.
A new method of examining gene expression patterns called landscape transcriptomics may help pinpoint what causes bumble bees stress and could eventually give insight into why bee populations are ...
Scientists have developed a cutting-edge way to fight stubborn UTIs by using nanogels to deliver antibiotics directly to ...