Sometimes it just seems like dogs evolved to induce human beings into a state of cuteness overload. And by that we mean that just about everything our canine companions do is on the verge of being too ...
A new exhibition opened on Saturday in Paris charting the emergence of Snoopy as a fashion icon, with the famed ...
Ask the Shelter is a weekly feature aimed at pet education. If you have a question, contact Jennifer Vanderau, public relations coordinator, for the Cumberland Valley Animal Shelter, at ...
I'm not saying that a red-wine stain remover will fix your life, but it will make it a whole lot better. View Entire Post › ...
Sometimes this sibling rivalry is silly, but other times a pitiful pet can successfully guilt trip their parents. Case in ...
Don't miss out! Reagan is the last and only puppy left from Rosie's beautiful litter of nine...Reagan is now half grown, fully immunized, and ready for her forever home. She is a beautiful, ...