At one time the solicitor appearing in open court wore a robe but the barrister wore a robe and a horsehair wig, but the wig is now being abolished. (Note that in British English defence is spelt ...
In a 2023 Healthline survey, 79% of those who reported being interested in trying CBD said they were specifically interested in CBD gummies. And while older adults are interested in CBD as a pain ...
But while wigs and gowns are packed away, the jury sent home and the prison van hits the road: the case is not necessarily over. Defence Barrister Joanna Hardy-Susskind lifts the curtain on the ...
Celebrating achievements, driving inclusion and accelerating action for equality. The launch follows an award of £4 million from the British Heart Foundation (BHF) to support world-class ...
He was mentoring her, she was a mini-pupil and he was a senior barrister. “There was a significant disparity in seniority and experience between the two of them. “She was in her mid-20s and he was in ...
He is sat at the bench with a gavel by his side and is wearing a black robe & an authentic Wig. The Jury and Barristers can be seen behind. The Camera has a circular Dolly Motion. supreme court uk ...
25.4 x 20.2 cm. (10 x 8 in.) ...