The beaches in La Jolla, California are yearly given over to marine wildlife, harbor seals who come ashore to this protective ...
A baby grey seal was found in rough shape at a beach in a Delaware state park, photos show. She looked thin and had a large wound on her left side, so rescuers with the Marine Edu ...
The baby male gray seal was discovered Sunday near the downtown ... Police officers had received a call at around 2:20 p.m.
A baby seal named Chappy who was rescued from the middle of the road in New Haven, Connecticut has sadly passed away despite ...
(AP) — A baby seal found stranded on a street near Connecticut ... but Chappy was surrounded by love until the very end.” The ...
The baby male gray seal was discovered Sunday near ... Police officers had received a call at around 2:20 p.m. about a possibly injured seal pup, according to Bruckhart. Officers stayed with ...