You wouldn’t think of a predator diving headfirst into the snow to catch a meal. However, this crazy Arctic fox behavior has ...
Videos show narwhals using their tusks in several ways, including prodding and flipping a fish. It’s the first reported evidence of the whales playing.
Veterans complete Arctic charity challenge thanks to ‘teamwork and friendship’ - Karl Hinett, Jason ‘Foxy’ Fox, Aldo Kane and ...
Election day in Greenland - and it's very different from our latitudes. The Inuit population is treated to party songs until ...
The remote cameras have captured the moment a mother pokes her head out from her den to see if the world is safe enough for her little ones.
Ten years of research have revealed new information about the rarely seen, precious time between polar bear mothers and their cubs when they emerge from their dens.
See It: Dreamy Image Of Polar Bear On Ice Bed Melts Hearts Around The World The 10-year maternal den study used satellite tracking collars and remote cameras to study polar bear denning behavior in ...
Researchers use remote camera footage and satellite collars to gain new insights into polar bear denning behavior and cub survival. The denning period is the most critical time in a polar bear’s life.
The 10-year maternal den study used satellite tracking collars and remote cameras to study polar bear denning behavior in the Arctic mountains near Svalbard, Norway. Video captured by the ...
Now, however, scientists have managed to capture rare footage of a polar bear mother and her cubs leaving their den in the Arctic for the first time. The video comes from Svalbard, the sparsely ...