This page links BBC Teach geography content to the objectives of the National Curriculum for England at KS1 and KS2.
Fresh water from melting Antarctic ice is projected to weaken the world’s most powerful ocean current by 20 percent in the next quarter century, an international team of scientists concluded in ...
She said: "My solo South Pole expedition was driven by a deep belief that I could do it and a lifelong fascination with Antarctica, sparked by a geography teacher and the stories of great explorers.
The country supports some of the world’s most important satellites. But experts worry about its proximity to Russia.
On September 7, a total eclipse of the Moon will be repeated and visible in much of the world (including much of Spain), followed by a partial solar eclipse on September 21. Times are coming to look ...
Stanford researchers discovered that increased meltwater and rainfall account for 60% of the decades-long gap between ...
HALIFAX - Scientists who went aboard a Royal Navy mission to Antarctica say the trip demonstrated how portable labs and gear can effectively probe the ocean depths.
FILE: The South African National Antarctic Expedition research base, SANAE IV, at Vesleskarvet, Queen Maud Land, Antarctica. Picture: Dr Ross Hofmeyr, Wildmedic (talk) 14:41, 17 August 2008 (UTC ...
Many of us perceive Antarctica as a distant and mysterious corner of the world. The coldest and most wind-swept region on Earth was the last continent to be discovered. Today, it stands as a ...
The World Meteorological Organisation’s State of the Global Climate 2024 report also highlights three years of record glacier loss, record air and ocean temperatures, the highest atmospheric CO levels ...
Just a faint whiff of penguin poop pushes their favorite prey to take "frantic" evasive action, reveals new research.