What comes to mind when you think of Antarctica? Probably snow and ice.But a group of international scientists are shaking up ...
Bedmap3 is the most fine-grain map to date of the landscape beneath Antarctica's ice. Scientists created it using more than ...
However, Antarctic sea ice, which surrounds the south pole, has shrunk to a near-record low. On 25 February, the Antarctic sea ice reached its minimum extent for the year, covering 722,000 sq ...
One of them is a madman — accused of violently beating, threatening and sexually harassed at least two of his teammates.
The British Antarctic Survey has revealed a new map showing what Antarctica looks like under the several thousands of meters ...
Never seen, perhaps, but that doesn't mean forever to remain unknown. For years, the British Antarctic Survey has been flying ...
The updated map of Antarctica clearly shows the landscape beneath its massive ice sheet, including its tallest mountains and ...
Last week, the BAS released Bedmap3, "the most detailed map yet" of Antarctica's landscape beneath its blanket of ice, a ...
"But Antarctica is not an apolitical human paradise with untouched nature—a sort of continent for scientific inquiry alone.
Bedmap3 unveils Antarctica’s subglacial landscape, mapping ice depth, terrain, and ocean interactions to advance climate ...
Antarctica’s total ice volume is now estimated at 27.17 million cubic kilometers (6.52 million cubic miles). The ice sheet ...
The map, called Bedmap3 ... including around the South Pole. One notable discovery is that Antarctica’s thickest ice was found in an unnamed canyon in Wilkes Land. The ice there is more than ...