King Cove residents argue that an 11-mile road through the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge — linking them to Cold Bay’s ...
To the editor: Sen. Ted Stevens demanded during the drafting of ANILCA that there needs to be, regionally, one-stop shopping for information. Visitors should not have to go to several offices to ...
With more momentum, and thus a higher likelihood of coming to fruition, it becomes more important than ever to understand some of the strategic nuances and asymmetries at work that may challenge the ...
Murkowski said she learned many of those hired under the ANILCA Local Hiring Authority are considered probationary employees, and as such, do not have an appeal process or the same civil service ...
the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA). Arctic Initiative Senior Fellow Margaret Williams will moderate. Q&A to follow. Light refreshments will be provided. This event is ...
“This means that all refuge lands, all ANILCA lands, all designated wilderness and even national park lands are vulnerable to the whims of changing administrations,” Rosenfeld said. A road has ...
or ANILCA. Last year, the project finally received $27 million in federal funding through the U.S. Department of Energy to construct a small plant that would supply power to the remote Admiralty ...
Ninth grader Silje Morse and 10th grader Jackson Pearson had a full weekend at the Vancouver International Mountain Film ...
The Thayer Creek Project has been in the works since 1980, when Angoon’s village corporation, Kootznoowoo Inc., negotiated the rights to develop hydropower on the creek as part of the Alaska National ...