A pair making nesting near WPI first showed interest in the city last year, according to the state's ornithologist.
A pair of bald eagles at U.S. Steel Irvin Plant near Pittsburgh hatched their first eaglet of the season, with local enthusiasts eagerly watching for more.
A local tree service company rescued two eaglets Tuesday morning that had fallen out of their nest and into a fishing line in ...
A local tree service company rescued two eaglets Tuesday morning that had fallen out of their nest and into a fishing line in ...
A planned development near bald eagle night-roosting sites in the Milan Bottoms will include landscaped berms and downward ...
A planned development near bald eagle night-roosting sites in the Milan Bottoms will include landscaped berms and downward ...
Pat Neal is a Hoh River fishing and rafting guide and “wilderness gossip columnist” whose column appears here every Wednesday. He can be reached at 360-683-9867 or by email via ...
Parents continue to care for and teach their fledglings to hunt for several weeks after they leave the nest. A photo of four American Bald Eagles sitting on a perch. Supporting organizations that work ...
The Adirondack Mountains in Upstate New York are blanketed with six million acres of forestland surrounding rocky mountain ...
The egg hatched early Thursday morning to Irvin and Stella, the bald eagle pair nesting at the U.S. Steel plant along the Mon ...
New bald eagle mom Stella unveiled her first eaglet early Thursday at about 1:45 a.m. in the U.S. Steel Irvin Plant nest ...