But, perhaps in a bid to try and erase those moments from our minds, we found ourselves honing in on Alicent Hightower (Emily Carey) throughout episode one and two. We see it first when the heir ...
Everyone needs to choose a side in House of the Dragon Season 2. There are many who believe the same as Alicent Hightower.
If there's one thing that Dowager Queen Alicent Hightower (Olivia Cooke) likes to do on House of the Dragon, it's sulk about her life choices. But if there's one other thing she likes to do ...
This excursion marks the first time we've seen Alicent leave King's Landing since Viserys' hunt in Season 1, episode 3. Here, though, there is no great retinue tending to the Dowager Queen.
In the second episode of HBO’s Game Of Thrones prequel House Of The Dragon, Princess Rhaenyra’s friendship with Alicent Hightower suffers a devastating blow. Warning: this article contains ...