DEAR ABBY: I’m 29, and my boyfriend is 36. We met on a dating site and were together for three years. He broke up with me two months ago because he didn’t think he could marry me. (We weren ...
DEAR ABBY: Our parents and grandparents have passed. There are five of seven siblings left. When we were living at home, holidays were special and celebrated on the actual day. Once we moved away ...
Abby has been MIA on Y&R. Pic credit: CBS Where is Abby on The Young and the Restless? That’s a question on Y&R fans’ minds as Abby (Melissa Ordway) has been off-screen for weeks. In fact ...
DEAR ABBY: I have three kids. One of them, “Jake,” is in his early 20s. He has medical issues, so he has always been babied to a certain degree. Jake has struggled with jobs, drugs ...
DEAR ABBY: I am a troubled older man ... Is there a way to confront her without her or the family getting mad at me, or should I just keep “going home”? — HURTING EARS IN OREGON DEAR ...
DEAR ABBY: I have three kids. One of them, “Jake,” is in his early 20s. He has medical issues, so he has always been babied to a certain degree. Jake has struggled with jobs, drugs ...
DEAR ABBY: My husband puts everyone first before me. Related Articles Dear Abby: Another outburst will cost me my job, but it’s so hard to hold in my indignation Dear Abby: They nag me when I ...
Dear Abby: I have three kids. One of them, “Jake,” is in his early 20s. He has medical issues, so he has always been babied to a certain degree. Jake has struggled with jobs, drugs ...
Dear Abby: I am a troubled older man ... Is there a way to confront her without her or the family getting mad at me, or ...
DEAR ABBY: My wife puts up with me, and I adore her for it. I have my challenges. I was involved in a head-on car crash 15 years ago and have suffered a number of long-term injuries from it.
DEAR ABBY: When my niece walks into a room ... Is there a way to confront her without her or the family getting mad at me, or should I just keep “going home”? -- HURTING EARS IN OREGON ...
Dear Abby: I am a “young” senior citizen (age 90). People sometimes think I’m in my early 60s because I look and act it. I have been widowed three times by women younger than I. I recently ...