Herc will finance the offer through a combination of available cash on hand, proceeds from the sale of marketable securities ...
The Ohio 4-H Conference welcomed over 1,000 volunteers and teens to Columbus as Ohio 4-H Week came to a close. The Ohio 4-H ...
H is a youth development organization that offers a wide variety of opportunities for youth enrolled in kindergarten through the first year past high school graduation. One of the common ...
Emma Davidson, Oliver Leandro and Emmaline Leandro — represented the state at the national 4-H Ignite conference in ...
The National 4-H Congress is an annual event that dates back more than a century, bringing together the top 4-H members from around the country to celebrate their achievements, develop leadership ...
Country Critters had a bake sale at Tractor Supply on March 1. Each member brought baked goods to raise money for the Putnam ...
The contest will consist of identifying 45-50 insects to order and type of insect (sphinx moth, long-horned borer beetle).
The Elk County Commissioners welcomed three local teenagers who have been long-term members of 4-H clubs and now are members ...
Sophia Heim presented a project talk about her rocketry project at the March 17 meeting of the Prairie Rose 4-H Club. The ...
MURRAY – Kentucky Commissioner of Agriculture Jonathan Shell visited Murray Monday to promote the Ag Tag Program and the ...
Youth from 23 counties across Oklahoma will participate in the Southeastern District 4-H public speaking contest Thursday.