After weathering nearly a decade of rejection and failure, in 1492 Colombo won the support ... of the Western heritage: America. 2. Christopher Columbus, a dead white male of the worst variety ...
Christopher Columbus was a 15th and 16th ... the voyage would help spread Christianity into the East. In August 1492, Columbus’s expedition set sail with three ships: the Niña, Pinta, and ...
The remains of Christopher Columbus's brother Diego ... Setting sail from the Spanish port of Palos on August 3, 1492, ...
Opera Southwest gives the world premiere of Llantos 1492, a flamenco-infused opera set in Spain during a time of religious persecution and racial hatred.
On 22 February 1498, a well-weathered mid-40s Christopher Columbus ordained in writing that his estate in the Italian port ...
Detractors argue Genoese explorer Christopher Columbus brought along slavery ... knowledge that Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492 — and did some other horrific things, too.
In 1492, Columbus set sail ... and that is down to Christopher Columbus.