If you buy something from a Polygon link, Vox Media may earn a commission. See our ethics statement. In the original trilogy, ...
Suzanne Collins released "Sunrise on the Reaping," her second "Hunger Games" prequel. Here's the best reading order if you're ...
Suzanne Collins’ newest Hunger Games installment, Sunrise on the Reaping, has been catching fire with fans, and we volunteer ...
In celebration of the release of "Sunrise on the Reaping," we're revisiting our 2009 interview with "Hunger Games" author ...
Suzanne Collins has released a new “Hunger Games” novel, titled “Sunrise on the Reaping,” now available on Amazon for $19.59.
In a new interview with publisher Scholastic, Suzanne Collins talked about her new 'Hunger Games' prequel 'Sunrise on the ...
T his week, Hunger Games fans have been blessed with another installment of Suzanne Collins’ franchise with Sunrise on the ...
May the odds be ever in your favor – again! "The Hunger Games" franchise from author Suzanne Collins has entered a new era as ...
The latest prequel, "Sunrise on the Reaping," was released on March 18, but it's already on sale for 30% off. Here's how to ...
"Sunrise on the Reaping," the next novel by best-selling "Hunger Games" series by Indiana University alumna Suzanne Collins ...
Bookstores worldwide hosted midnight parties for “Sunrise on the Reaping,” the fifth installment in Suzanne Collins' “Hunger ...
Sunrise on the Reaping producer Nina Jacobson shares an update on the upcoming film and the process of developing it from an ...