Fashions come and go and that's as true of hi-fi as any other part of our lives. When recorded sound was first invented, the sound was amplified by horns until somebody invented the moving coil type ...
£500 extra buys the £2799 Thorens TD1601 over the £2299 TD1600. This £500 buys an optical sensor arm lift. "£500 for an end of side arm lift?" Demand Plebs, stage left, "Surely that's a lot of dosh to ...
Jolida is a company relatively well known among audiophiles for producing good sounding, high value tube amplifiers and digital components for use in home audio. According to the company's website, ...
For the last 6 years my own system has been fronted by a pair of single-driver, full-range horns - the Loth-x Polaris (no longer made). These large speakers have sat in the system and loved ...
A while ago a friend pointed my interest to a tuning article for old style SME tonearms, a bronze knife edge bearing. As I have always been an afficionado of old SME tonearms, I wanted to give it a ...
I have recently had the fortune that my Flat was re-wired to high standards (without cost to me) and that indeed made an impact on overall sound Quality. It resulted in me applying some more attention ...
In the first installment of this series we had a look at the noise generated at the output of a number of easy to build and cheap voltage regulators: single-chip series and shunt regs (LM317/337 and ...
Prove d'ascolto Una spietata prova a confronto tra tre finali di potenza: Astin Trew AT5000, Belles Soloist 5, Usher R1.5 (Marzo 2010) Una spietata prova a confronto fra tre piccoli amplificatori ...
Recently there has been quite a discussion on the TNT forum regarding bass performance. One correspondent asked whether a piano got down as low as 50 Hz and it made me realise that most of us don't ...
DIY projects for building audio and HiFi cables. Interconnects, digital, power and mains cables plus general theoric articles. All the projects are FREE and NOT FOR SALE.
Up to few years ago, Weiss name was famous only among audio professionals, while it remained unknown in the consumer audio environment. In facts, Weiss Engineering achievements were so widely out and ...
I think, or at least I hope, that we have all by now realised that digital audio is just as subject to the influences of the playback system as analogue audio. In this review I'll step-aside from the ...